[text] iii

Apr 20, 2011 17:04

let2 take a miinute and iignore my 2hiitty real job two talk about the kiilliing iive been makiing on the planet
iit2 pretty 2weet
iive 2tarted buiildiing new combhiive maiinframe2 and got 2ome worker bee2 2o 2oon my 2etup wiill be a2 clo2e two home a2 iit2 goiing two get
anyway a whiile back kk made me 2tay awake for an entiire month becau2e he2 an a22hole and duriing that tiime ii wa2 able two code 2omethiing that ii ju2t meant two u2e between our friiend2
but iive done 2ome extra programmiing and now iit2 ready two be relea2ed a2 a beta for the re2t of you iif you want iit


okay 2o here'2 what youre goiing two want two do
download double cliick let the iin2taller run iit2elf
iitll prompt you two iinput a u2ername
try two keep iit uniiformed
liike thoriianAuthoriitariian or iin2ufferablePriick ju2t 2ayiing 2o becau2e iit2 a thiing we do
ii gue22 you could deviiate iif you wanted
anyway iit2 a chat cliient u2e iit however you want
iit ha2 a viiewport for viideo feed2 but iit work2 a liittle diifferently than the guiide'2 tradiitiional viideo
al2o ii wa2nt able two program the temporal feature2 of the real trolliian 2o 2orry iif you wanted two open a memo and talk two your pa2t or future 2elf
but here you go
try iit out for your2elf iif you want
iim goiing back two makiing money and wonderiing why iim feeliing pale

[ TROLLTEXT TRANSLATION and TROLLIAN EXPLANATION! Please read the latter, as it has a lot to do with fun times if your character installs! ]

sollux captor

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