[What's up, Thor?
I'll tell you what's up, It's Nagato! He's currently not in his spider walker at all. He's just sitting in a chair, at a small circular table, with a small cup of tea in hand.
Behind him, a
giant snaked tailed chameleon sits on the back of a
giant crustacean which in turn is on the back of a
giant rhino. They seem to be posing at the end of some sort of amazing trick which you didn't get to see neehner neehner neehner.]
I am enjoying the job system here-I think I will enjoy having something new every month.
[Behind him a
giant drill beaked bird swoops down to pluck up the chameleon, tossing it into the air. The crustacean lifts its head and lets loose a massive stream of bubbles, which act as a cloudy cushion, supporting the giant reptile in mid-air.]
However. I have not been here long-would anyone share their opinions?
[The crustacean is this time snapped up by the bird, the chameleon falling towards the rhino, which rears up so that it will land on the horn-
and the second before it does, to flips around to perform a hand stand, using strong fingers to hold the horn.
The feed ends.]