~011~ [Video]

Apr 11, 2011 01:00

[Relena turns on the guide, seated on her couch with an obscene amount of paperwork balancing on her lap.]

I finally managed to figure out the proper channels for requesting grant money for- [she pauses to cough, covering her mouth carefully] -for the clinic. If I do this properly it would mean a new line of money to pay for more supplies.

Though I think I might have underestimated the sheer amount of paperwork I'd have to do just to get access to information about the grants.

[A quiet shuffle from off-camera beckons her attention.]

[she frowns in the direction of the noise, covering her mouth as she coughs again] ...If all you're going to do is glare at me you don't have to stay.

[Still from off-camera.] I'm not glaring. [Is frowning at the Guide. Don't make me have this discussion on-network.]

Glowering, then. [She turns to the camera again, ignoring Heero's pointed glaring.] I should be able to finish up the forms for it within the next few days provided- [coughs a little more] -this cough doesn't get worse.

[Mumbles off-camera] If you minded your health and paced yourself, you wouldn't have it in the first place. [nag nag nag]

[and now she's glaring at him] You're certainly one to talk.


[She readjusts the paperwork and then stops. And shuffles through.] Oh no... I forgot to fill out this entire subsection.

Do it in the morning.

I can finish it now and still be to bed before it gets too late.

So you said last night. It was nearly morning when you put that pen down.

[And she's ignoring him to reach for her pen.]

[Frowns and reaches into the camera's view to pull it away from her.] In the morning. You'll give yourself a fever at this rate.

This won't take long, just let me finish it now.

[Stubbornly.] No. [Reaches towards the Guide to turn it off]

[She pulls it away] Heero, stop being so stubborn!

It's not stubborn, it's common sense. You're already showing signs of overwork. Finish your post and get some sleep. ...Or do you want Noin to see this and come scold you to bed?

I think you're doing a fine job of scolding me yourself. [And then she takes out another pen in defiance.]

Good, I'd like to think so myself- How many of those do you have!? [Tries to snatch]

[Pauses. Stops.]

[Gets up from where he's sitting across the coffeetable and snatches her up, pen and all.] If that's how you're going to be. ..Zero, turn off the Guide.

[Relena shrieks a bit.] Heero! Put me down right now!

[IGNORES and carries her off and away to her room, out of sight of the Guide. A few moments later a fluffy doggy face appears and starts paw-poking at the Guide, and you get a few moment of slobber-cam before it switches off.]

[green implies Heero speech and actions]

relena darlian, heero yuy

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