[The guide is tossed through the air, slamming into a wall and activating-and what it shows is...
Matthew, his left arm bleeding heavily, a gash running right from the shoulder down the elbow. He doesn't seem to care at all as a puddle of blood forms at his feet. The cause of the injury is the Sigrun's very own Brood Mother, the Shaggoth. It's absolutely massive, and seems extremely agitated, one of its thousands of tentacles red with Matthew's blood, others lashing out at him.
But Matthew is fearlessly diving right between them, and at one point actually runs across one to get in close-and softly puts a hand on the gigantic creature.
The Shaggoth is a being whose only thoughts are filled with hatred! It spreads its control through other beings, and thus those beings become a part of itself-the only way to connect with something and not hate it. This malevolent mind, alongside its life in the dark and total fear of the light, bring out an unusual reaction when exposed to Matthew's black soul. To the Shaggoth, the mere touch of Matthew is the same as being enclosed in a all consuming embrace-An embrace that contained absolutely not fear or hatred at all. Somehow, the tiny Matthew's presence completely overpowered the gargantuan being's mind!]
Yeah...My home was destroyed, but I guess I still can't say I understand how you feel...
[Matthew is muttering quietly to the creature, which is calmly down rapidly.]
Because with me it happened without any warning... and you've got such a big family you want to look after.
[The Shaggoth is almost completely still now.]
And you'll probably be sad, I can't save them all...But you can come with me...[Matthew is breathing heavily at this point, his wound finally getting to him.] ...Because in my world, there's room for anyone who wants to come.
[There's only silence, but Matthew clearly takes it as agreement. He steps back, raising his right hand-a black sphere forms in the air, and with a loud thud a black coffin, the number 1 painted in gold on the front drops from it.]
Sealing Coffin, 1.
[The coffin opens with a slow creak-and a powerful wind begins to draw on the Shaggoth, which stretches and shrinks inside like a terrible photoshop special effect to be sucked inside, despite being far, far larger. It is, however taking quite some time, and Matthew has to stay there, with his hand held up the whole time. About halfway through, red warning lights are flashing all over the place-the Sigrun is on its last legs. Matthew hefts the full sized coffin onto his shoulder with little effort, but stops suddenly, looking up.]
Aww man.
Everyone is gonna be mad at me.
[Which would be the point when he drops onto his little bottom, falling asleep and the feed cuts off, just as the Sigrun's timer is just about to run out.]
So this happened. I'm cool with other people joining in this late, by the way. Any and all attempts to contact, find or detect if Matthew is alive or dead will totally fail; it's built into the spell to make the user look as dead as possible once it's done, like magically playing possum.))