Mar 15, 2011 00:11

[Une's sitting by the dolphin pool, having recently finished scrubbing the floors in this particular area of the ship. She's taken some time to toy with her guide, absorbing as much information as she can. Feeling she's read enough for the day, she pushes what she believes activates the off function but has instead activated video recording. She's set the guide down beside her so one can only see her profile as she observes her reflection in the water. Her shoes are off and she's languidly dipping her feet in the pool, observing how the ripples warp her image. She's always had a bad habit of talking to her reflection while under stress and now is no different.]

Did I really see what I saw or am I unwell again? These people keep telling me things that can't be true. Some of what they say I can accept upon seeing tangible proof but there is one thing...

It just cannot be. Over the past year, I would constantly ask myself "What would he have done in my position?" Of course, no answer was forthcoming. I did what I could with what I knew while maintaining the crutch that he would have approved. It was ideal. He was an ideal.

[a bitter laugh escapes her]

Even when he was alive, he was an ideal. I simply aspired to be worthy of service to what he believed was for the greater good. But now...

Shouldn't I be happy? I know it may sound selfish but all I see in this is the potential misery that will befall me. I enjoy being of service to myself and standing for what I believe. If ever I should see him again...

I just know I can't see him as long as I'm uncertain about whether or not my heart will break irreparably should his loss be once again necessary.

[A dolphin bobs out of the water and emits a high-pitched squeak which Une somehow understands. She gives a faint chuckle.]

Yes, I guess it is a case of "It's not you, it's me."

lady une

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