Wayne Enterprises is currently seeking researchers for long-term medical study. Those interested should submit a brief resume of previous background in research and development, chemistry, biology, medicine, or any other area of interest, along with an explanation of a possible research project if a specific area of study is desired. History of
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My name is Dominique Destine and I'd be interested to join your Enterprise as a researcher.
With this message, I will be sending you my resume, however, if you feel like it's necessary for us to meet in person, that can be arranged as well.
We have received your resume and are interested in contacting you about a research position. We prefer to hold some form of interview, be it over the network or in person. Which is more convenient for you?
If possible, I'd prefer the interview to be in person, for I wish to know whom I will be working with. I'm also available during any time of the day.
Please, let me know where and when we could meet.
[and then he gives directions to Wayne Enterprises or something woo]
[waitin' in the place he said he'd meet her]
Because smiling isn't particularly required to this sort of thing - a serious face means a serious hard worker - she didn't have one on her lips yet. The woman came to the place agreed just on time]
Mister Wayne?
[He also did the usual intense stalking of her network posts in the meantime and found her to be fairly level-headed, if pretty network-shy, though something about some of the things she said makes him wonder.]
Ms. Destine, then. I appreciate the time you took to come here.
I have to say, it took a lot longer than expected. Where are you from originally?
[said like it's just smalltalk instead of the start of the interview]
[she wasn't really curious about it, but if he wanted smalltalk, she'd give it to him]
In any case, we're here for an unforeseeable amount of time, we might as well make the most of it.
[and he begins flipping through her resume idly]
Now, you were previously at a company called Nightstone Unlimited, correct?
[she nods at his question] Yes. Me and my partner built it from the scratch.
[or fortunately, because gotham is a shithole that no one should be subjected to, yadda yadda, etc etc, vengeance and the night, the whole deal]
I'm interested in the work you and your partner were doing in cloning research. What... level of technology, shall we say, was your world at when the two of you were completing this research? Just for an idea of the advances that were made.
Oh yeah, and humans and their morality. Though she never cloned a human, they cloned gargoyles, she was going to pretend it was all the same and all morally grey]
Mr Wayne, I need you to understand what cloning means. It is a morally grey area for everyone, even though everyone searched for it. What my company did was not known by general population for the fact you cannot expect uneducated people to understand what these advances brought.
[SHE SOUNDS SO PROFESSIONAL] Most genetic experiences were left at the hands of our geneticist, Dr. Anton Sevarius. I myself followed many of his experiments while working at our company, although Mister Thailog [that asshole] followed the ones I did not see, so the good Doctor was always under supervision, and I had access to all logs and reports.
[OKAY, WORKING METHOD ASIDE. She sort of needed to think things through before ( ... )
So genetic manipulation along with cloning? That's impressive. How big was the company?
[of course, he has his own issues with genetic manipulation, but hey, it's his company, he can make sure they're not using to, oh, say, overwrite someone's DNA with that of the Batman to produce a clone/son]
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