[dreamvideo]-- I'll wash my bloody hands and we'll start a new life

Feb 22, 2011 17:30

[if your guide is filtered, Sasuke's dream has been banned by the UCC (Universal Communications Commission). You are instead enjoying a lovely recorded video of a bunny rabbit eating grass with accompanying classical music.]

[The feed starts with Sasuke being held against a wall by Itachi, which is really what should clue you all that this is a dream, since he left months ago. There's no sound, only an eerie kind of silence. Itachi casually extends three fingers towards Sasuke's face as he watches wide-eyed until Itachi simply reaches out and plucks out Sasuke's left eye, putting it in a conveniently placed bottle he just took out of his sleeve, ignoring Sasuke's ear splitting scream and the way his free hand KINDA BELATEDLY PLACES ITSELF ON HIS EMPTY EYE SOCKET.

While Sasuke is doing his best horror movie victim impression (blood on my finger, gaping hole on my face, oshitson), Itachi then brings his bloodied fingers back up to Sasuke's face, presumably to finish what he started--

But then he just pokes Sasuke's forehead and trails his fingers down his face, leaving behind a very pretty and horrifying trail of Sasuke's own blood as he smiles and dissolves into a million crows who fly away. Sasuke crumbles to his knees without someone to physically hold him up, his palm once again back on the GAPING EYE IN HIS FACE. Meanwhile, flashing red symbols creep up over half of Sasuke's body until he looks like someone deliberately dropped black paint on him. Odd, but it stays there. Defying logic.

Suddenly, in Itachi's place is what looks to be like Sasuke's eight year old self, staring at him accusingly.]

It's your fault they died, you know.

[Sasuke's reaction is to very casually take his sword from behind his back and decapitate his younger self. Because that's normal. Unfortunately for Sasuke, his baby self's decapitation has been replaced by Sasuke's chidorified fist going straight through a younger Naruto's body. No sound comes out of Naruto's mouth as he grins bloodily, but he mouths out the words:

"Can't you kill me?"

Sasuke snarls and rips his fist out, which simply causes Naruto to make like Itachi and become a crow. These crows however simply go further away and form what looks to be like a certain Fai D. Flowright, but it's hard to tell because a second later something starts to climb out of his mouth leaving the flesh behind in a crumpled heap, which luckily enough disappears right afterwards because this dreamscape is wonderfully bare.

If you ignore all the sudden fire and brimstone, but whatever.

What can only be described as a weirdo in a mask is the one who steps out of that mess, fresh as a daisy. When he speaks, it's with a surprisingly deep voice.]

Sooooo, Sasuke~ ... Do you want your brother's eyes now?


[the weirdo seems oddly disappoint at Sasuke's horrified reflexive yell. Sasuke doesn't seem to notice, but that might be because he's half blind and still clutching the gaping hole where his eye should be. The next time the man speaks, however, he sounds completely different, almost... disturbingly playful.]

Well... You still have to pick a door, though~

[and just like he said, there are now two doors on each side of him. This would make more sense if they weren't just doors, however. You can clearly see the empty space in front of and behind both of them. They are just doors. Hanging out. Right there. At Sasuke's completely unsure look, the man explains:]

Only one of these doors will lead to your revenge. Pick wisely. Door number one... Or door number two?

[Sasuke lowers his palm from his GAPING EYE HOLE, staring at the bloody mess on it. He looks back up at the masked man with what would normally be considered an earnest expression if it wasn't for the GAPING EYE HOLE.]

. . . Can I get a bandaid first?

((ooc: IF YOU WANT TO INTERACT WITH DREAM!SASUKE (why... would... you), comment with "Dream" in the subject of your thread. Otherwise this will be after Sasuke wakes up. 8B ps: Ish made me do it. pps: I'M SO SORRY))

uchiha sasuke

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