
Feb 20, 2011 01:10

Okay, seriously?
We go from hurling through infinite space on a giant rock to flying through space in a giant metal tu8e?
Al8eit the Void was pretty 8ig.
There's more of you here though, right?
Except that dum8shit Eridan and his stupid 'science wand'.
It's a 'magic wand'.
Does that 8other you? ::::)
Does it?
Too 8ad, it's the truth.
The sooner you accept it, the 8etter you'll 8e.
See? I'm helpful.
I can help all of you, too.
Just ask. ::::D
Have I just 8een talking to no one this whole time?
I dou8t Eridan is even on this thing.
He wouldn't 8e caught dead socializing with humans.
Or land dwellers.How a8out the rest of you?
Still among the the living? >::::)

vriska serket

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