ii thiink ii wiill take the iiniitiiatiive and throw down a tiimeliine
mo2tly for my reference and for the other troll2 two iif they even care
february 12th iin your earth calender ii2 when mo2t of u2 2howed up
u2 beiing the troll2 grey 2kiin horn2 you get iit nothiing 2peciial moviing on
and then form2 form2 form2 form2 form2 form2 and oh look more form2
form2: only 2liightly more acceptable than iimpendiing bliindne22 and death
and then two day2 later you human2 had your flu2hed relatiion2hiip holiiday whiich 2eem2 viirtually poiintle22
and now iit2 now
maybe iit2 not my place (kk ii thiink you 2hould take a hiint here) but ii thiink we 2hould lay down a plan
you know
2iince dyiing ha2 been delayed
anyway ii gue22 two the re2t of you
ii could act confu2ed a2 hell a2 and a2k all the que2tiion2 a2 iif ii diidnt take tiime two do the re2earch
but that 2ound2 2tupiid
2o 2up
A TRANSLATION OF THIS POST. Oh my god, I am so sorry. Once again,
permissions that are very important.]