[The feed begins seemingly on its own, as it is want to do, showing two blonde children of roughly the same height. This is a shame because one is Flandre Scarlet with the body of a five year old, and the other is Matthew Gravesend, who is ten. Flandre has just entered Matthew's room.]
Wicked Child~!
Thank you for seeing me, Miss Scarlet.
What was it Wicked Child wanted to talk to me about~?
I wanted to ask you a favour, if you don't mind.
A favor? What kind of favor?
There's a spell I'm learning, and I think it'd be easier to practice on you than my monsters. It won't hurt, and I think you'll like it, so I can try?
Okay~! I want to help Wicked Child~!
[Matthew begins casting-to those who have seen him cast before, it will look quite different. This is a big spell, it seems. He begins to mutter under his breath, eyes closed, holding his hands up near his face. Multi-coloured lighting begins to build between his fingers, reaching up to crackle over his face, causing his messy hair to stand on end then fall. And when he opens his eyes almost a minute later, the same flurry of colour escapes them in a bright beam. For a split second, Matthew's skin and muscles seem to disappear, showing only his skeleton. Still crackling with energy, he reaches over and gently touches Flandre on the forehead.
Flandre's reaction is instant, and explosive. Literally, as her clothes burst apart into multi-coloured dust, sparkling brightly. Quite possibly by coincidence or possibly by design, clusters particularly thick dust gather over any area you couldn't show bare on TV.
Flandre's body seems to begin following a series of motions, smoothly but almost puppet like, making it clear that whatever is happening is automatic, not her own movements. Closing her eyes, she crosses her arms over her chest, spinning on the spot slowly and growing taller with each rotation until she is of adult height, her wing span increasing at the same rate. The camera somehow pans up from her feet, across her body to her face. Uncrossing her arms, she bends forward (directly at the camera), framing her flat chest; which suddenly, with a noise only capable of being written as 'ba-boing', her chest is most certainly not flat at all, and in fact, Flandre is now quite the busty one. The sparkles continue to censor as she stands up straight, spinning one last time, the sparkles wrapping around her in a spiral pattern, becoming a ribbon of rainbow colours. A tightening sound follows, tightly wrapping around her body, then blooming like a flower into
true clothing, parts of the ribbon slipping apart to wrap around her hair to style it.
Flandre now seems free from the puppet like control, but a finale occurs before she can react-with a soft 'paff' noise, a small white hat drops onto her head.]
...Eh? M-Matthew...?
Wh-what's happened to me? What happened to my clothing and my--
[Flandre gasps in surprise as she takes in her newly altered body.]
My body! It's...it's...
[Matthew simply snaps the fingers on his left hand, his right arm hanging limply by his side and a massive beaming grin of triumph on his face.]
Spell Mature Monster, First Edition-Success!
((So yeah. Matthew has given Flandre ten days of being a grown up.))