[The video comes on to show Rorschach sitting at a desk, presumably in his room. For those of you unfamiliar with Rorschach, those blotches on his face are contantly moving and changing shape, and his voice sounds like Christian Bale's Batman voice if he had a sore throat.]
Vogon's have been trying to contact me since arrival. Tried to ignore them. Thought it was just another thread on web of beuraucracy. Finally told me what they wanted. Said they salvaged personal effects from destruction of planet. Had to fill out 5 more sheets. In triplicate.
[Those of you who are attentive can probably just barely notice a SLIGHT change in his "I hate everything and everyone" monotone to something... cheerier?]
Worth it.
[He then pulls out a plastic blue crate from below the desk. Written across the side in capital white english letters is "POLICE EVIDENCE". Rorschach takes off the white lid, and written on it in black magic marker is "Rorschach 10/21/85". From the crate he removes the following: a notebook with the words "Rorschach's Journal: rough notes" scrawled across it, and a
silver antique looking grappling gun. The gun seems to be covered in a thick layer of dust. Rorschach peels his mask up above his mouth and blows. This causes the dust to fly off and the gun to shine brilliantly. He quickly pulls the mask back down, but again, those who are observant can see something almost resembling a smile on his face.]
[He turns the gun over in his hands, admiring it.]
Just like yesterday.
[He clicks a button on the gun, and the three claws release their grip on the gun. Rorschach then grabs a claw with one hand and pulls it away from the gun itself, leaving a trail of the thin metal cable behind it.]
Cable made from titanium. Maker said users arm would break before cable ever did. Tested that first night out.
[He grabs a length of cable with both hands and gives it a good strong tug to test its strength.]
He was right.
[Rorschach pushes another button. The cable quickly retracts with lightning speed and the hook reattatches to the gun. The three claws click back into the closed position, and make a faint *ping* that metal makes when striking metal. Rorschach seems to be temporarily hypnotized by this sound before quickly shaking the nostalgia off him and returning to his usual gruff demeanor.]
Will defend refugees with this.
[He then makes a move as if something else in the crate has caught his eye. He reaches in and pulls out a sugar cube wrapped up like a piece of gum. He hurms at this, but it almost sounds like an "mmmmm". He then unwraps the cube, peels his mask up again, pops the cube in his mouth, and begins kronching away.]