† Twentieth Video

Nov 07, 2010 19:43

Sonova-! [The feed starts off with someone's leg hastily withdrawing from the camera view. Evidently, the owner of this particular guide carelessly stepped on it and accidentally started the recording feature.

With a curse, a slender hand comes into the frame and the guide is picked up showing a full frontal view of its owner, Gin.

Curiously, Gin's only wearing a very large t-shirt. You know, the kind that goes down to your thighs and is generally worn as night attire by a girl.

Even more curiously, Gin is a girl, boobs and everything. Yep, it's that time of the month again. With a curse, Gin tosses the guide onto a table, missing the dreaded blinking light that says it's recording and instead starts to turn around, resuming what he (she?) was doing earlier.]

Ukitake! Have you seen my pants?

[The feed cuts.]

[ooc: I swear I'll stop posting about this when it stops having the potential for lulz.]


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