
Aug 04, 2009 18:15

To whomever it may concern-- particularly, in Room 3-2.

Next time you decide to participate in this rather lovely pastime, consider this:

1) The walls are rather thin, so yes, we can hear your shouts of "Take a shower you dirty animal!!!" your constant pleading for smokes, your constant pleading for a maid, etc. etc.
2) Coinciding with Point 1, throwing objects is not advisable with shoddy walls.
3) To link Points 1 and 2: throwing objects is not advisable with shoddy walls containing neighbors who, upon only getting a total of a half hour's worth of sleep thanks to your shouting matches, are understandably irritable and do not appreciate a lamp whistling by their heads.
4) I have a spear.

Now, which one of you will be gracious enough to pick this up, and sweep my floor?

jade curtiss

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