12 [Video]

Oct 19, 2010 07:00

[We have a very pleased Urahara outside the façade of his lovely home in the Suburbs (7-2), holding onto a string that is attached to what looks like a rolled up scroll, and he's brandishing Benihime like a showman.]

Attention denizens of the good ship Thor!
Before my home had the misfortune of being destroyed by a pair of thoroughly inconsiderate alien fellows who could not agree over who was the more deserving of an exotic dancer's attentions, I whiled away my days as a humble candy store owner, running my little empire of excellent customer service and reasonable pricing, supplying only the finest of merchandise to my honoured, loyal customers~

Who am I? Well my dear friends, I am still that self made, humble candy store owner, even though my poor little shop is now nothing more than cosmic dust, blowing in the mystifying winds of time and space. I have found myself drifting in that same cosmic stream, without purpose, without meaning, until I said to myself "Urahara Kisuke, enough is enough."

[He tugs on the string and the scroll unravels to reveal this poster:]

For all of your candy needs, be sure to visit me here, in the Suburbs, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from the hours of 11 'til 5!  If you're familiar with my old operation, it may well be especially worth your while to drop in at your earliest convenience~

urahara kisuke

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