♚ oo1 [video]

Oct 18, 2010 15:24

[ Gotta be someone knew. No question. There is video, but it’s not what you’d expect. Firstly, it’s just black, the odd view of a dark palm. A muffled voice. Then, darkness fades into a nice view of the floor, then the wall. ]

This is ridiculous, it's not even working.

[ Ironically, cruelly, when he tosses to the side, it lands on a view of the ( Read more... )


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DARN YOU I WAS GOING TO NAP. hfghgfh AZULA ALWAYS BEATS ME :< watertribe October 18 2010, 20:27:24 UTC
[He's eying the screen now. Ah, the last time Zuko was here it was bad news Zuko, basically. Sokka's not sure anymore since bad-news Zuko had this hair too. So...

might as well go with the lame.]

Uh, Zuko?


YOU PEOPLE ARE SO FAST... ;; I'm sorry? markedprince October 18 2010, 20:37:20 UTC
[ He wasn't sure how much he believed that the world was destroyed - still not convinced that this wasn't some dream.

But it's still good to know he isn't the only one in this crazy place. Yeah, maybe a little relieved.]


[That's probably the first hint it's good news Zuko and not bad news Zuko.]

When they said the world was destroyed, I didn't think...


it's because we both have the comm tracked XD watertribe October 18 2010, 20:41:26 UTC
[His name! This was good news Zuko, right? Although... No, it totally had to be good news Zuko. Thus Sokka relaxed a little and shrugged.]

Honestly, I'm not entirely certain if the world was destroyed or not. At the very least we're stuck here for now.

But, hey, you're still in the New Arrivals area, right? I can come pick you up.

[SOKKA HAS A SUFFICIENT AMOUNT OF MONEY SAVED UP NOW ;A; He's been aiming for a Team Avatar apartment. Thus :< lunch?]


that is practically cheating :| markedprince October 18 2010, 20:48:56 UTC
Last I checked, it was fine. But, yeah, I'm still here.

[ With everything he's going to get - because he's not filling out another form - and with instructions to his room, all with a fluffy towel on his shoulder. ]

Are the others here?


IS NOT. IT JUST MEANS WE'RE AWESOME. watertribe October 18 2010, 20:53:25 UTC
Alright I can be there in a few minutes.

[He pauses and moves his hand in a casual gesture.]

Besides your sister? There's Katara... and Suki. [He's not going to mention Aang was here until today, really.]


WELL I'VE ALREADY SCARED OFF ONE. markedprince October 18 2010, 21:01:38 UTC
[Unfortunately, the Avatar is pretty high on Zuko's interest list. He's looking pretty expectant.]

What about Aang?


NO THEY ARE NEVER SCARED OFF. REALLY watertribe October 18 2010, 21:05:15 UTC
[There's a sigh.]

He was here until a day ago.

[A slight shrug.] That doesn't really mean anything, though. You were here before, too. People come and go all the time here.


OKAY well I got scared off to deal with dogs markedprince October 18 2010, 22:51:39 UTC
["Not here" doesn't register as bad as it should; it's the Avatar. He's fine. If he wasn't, Sokka wouldn't be this calm. The rest is getting a skeptical look.]

If that's a joke, it's not funny. I haven't been here before. If it's something my sister told you, then you can just forget it.


:( YOU PERSON WHO RUNS AWAY watertribe October 18 2010, 22:58:22 UTC
[Yeaah. Sokka was expecting that.]

Seriously, I know it sounds crazy but I'm not joking. You were even from the past--way in the past. It's these things called "wormholes" fault.

[In fact, he even sends a file to PROVE IT. There's a video the former Zuko did, but Mun is too lazy to find it soo just:]

Receiving VIDEO



S-SORRY D: I didn't think I'd have to go! markedprince October 18 2010, 23:15:56 UTC
[ It takes a moment before he works out just how to accept and another minute before he speaks up again. ]

Okay, that doesn't make any sense at all.


D8 MY NAP. watertribe October 18 2010, 23:26:49 UTC
Yep, it pretty much makes no sense.


sdlgkjsd GO NAP. I will be here. ;; markedprince October 18 2010, 23:34:38 UTC
... Right. Well, nothing here does.

[He shifts, pausing.]

Hurry it up. I'm sick of being here.


;A; IT'S 6:45 AT NIGHT AND MY DINNER IS COOKING watertribe October 18 2010, 23:42:36 UTC
[Should he tell Zuko mice and a badger are flying the ship? He snickers at the thought.]

Fine. How bout lunch? I have some money saved up and you got to be hungry.


DDD: I'M SORRY markedprince October 18 2010, 23:49:44 UTC
[Getting a look Sokka. He's not seeing what's funny about this at all.]

...Ugh, now that you mention it. The Boiling Rock didn't serve prisoners anything edible.


;A; /clings it's okay <3 reallly watertribe October 19 2010, 00:13:03 UTC
[Efft. And I mean mole. And after being stuck her three months it is funny.]


[He pauses.]

...You actually did go to the Boiling Rock?


/STILL FEELS BAD... ;; markedprince October 19 2010, 00:17:09 UTC
[Stop acting weird, man. Zuko's looking at him again.]

What do you mean? You were there, too.


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