[The Guide clicks on and- what? No video this time? Well that's too bad. Right towards the end of the session too.]
[First voice heard is an older woman with some trace of an accent. Kindof hard to trace it really.]
Why don't you tell me about your mother and father.
Echo does not have either. [Why that sounds like Echo. How shocking.]
Have you always lived in the care of this Nightray household then?
Were you treated well?
Echo was trained and disciplined as any servant.
What's your relationship with your master?
Echo...Echo should not discuss such things.
You do know this is a private session Echo. No one will hear what's said inside this room besides you and me.
[Silence from Echo's end indicated she wasn't budging on that. Yet anyway. The woman huffed a bit and moved on.]
You said that you have written some notes when you have free time, right?
I would like to see these journals of yours during our next session.
Of course. [Why would a therapist want what amounts to observation notes?]
You have five minutes left. Is there anything you would like to discuss Echo?
Nothing at all? You're a young girl, wouldn't you like to talk about clothes, music, books, boys, anything like that?
No. Since there are no other questions, may Echo be excused early?
...Yes, you're excused.
Thank you. [There's some shuffling of Echo getting up and walking to the door. At the sound of it opening, the other woman spoke up.]
Echo, you won't change anything if you don't make some effort.
[Nothing else came from Echo's mouth as the door closed behind her, separating her from the room until next time.]
[[ooc: as mandated by her parole, echo's been put into therapy now that's she's out among the living again. will this help with her multiple personality disorder? likely no.]]