Apr 17, 2004 15:55
I am such an idiot. today i accidentally sprayed a toxic pesticide on my face and in my mouth. apparently i am ok because it has been 2 hours and there are no bad signs yet. i probably should have went to a hospital but fuck that shit im bulletproof. I mean whats the worst that can happen right. what a friday....i fell asleep at 7 pm and was woken up at 10:30 by J.C. wanting a ride home. I then proceded to go back to sleep. I tell ya, when it comes to exiting im definetally it. oh yea, i bought a I heart the cock sticker today, any suggestions on where i should put it? Im definetally wylin out tonight because it is saturday and tommorow is my only day off. If things go well, ill be doin the lindy hopp by tea time. If anyone has a use for a big cement shoeprint let me know i havent got any ideas yet.
Just because you are a lizard, it doesnt mean you are safe