superjail is my favorite cartoon

Jan 29, 2009 17:49

Maannnnn I am pmsing so bad eharmony commercials are making my eyes water haha

Sort of an update:
I made the best veggie pizza ever! Toppings: asparagus, green pepper, red pepper, mushrooms, spinach, garlic, onions, tomato slices and a few olives hfjderfghgj it was huge! My dad even liked it? It's my new specialty haa

I actually have straight 100's in all of my classes, always :D

I need to get out and do things! I am a home body loser... Smoking weed everyfuckingsecond from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep is not motivating me. At least I quit smoking cigarettes... That's almost a lie ha.

Believe it or not one of my serious goals in life is to make as many people happy as I can... Do things for others. I wish I was still into all the charities I used to volunteer for... When I was younger I worked at a homeless shelter, a nursing home, animal shelter and I would throw parties to raise money for (mostly) orphanages... One time we raised onegrand (I was 12), not much, but I was so happy. Now that I'm older... Most of humanity isn't worth it... So I guess I'll look into a few animal charities, and something for kids or people with incurable diseases.

Ohhhhh we have a new puppy! She's a boxer. My sister saved her from starvation and being used as a "bait dog" in dog fights. She has to wear a sweater because she has NO body fat! I have never seen a dog so malnourished in my life... She didn't even know how to drink water, and she had to sleep for hours and hours and hours to conserve energy, oh and she had hemroids!!! People are disgusting. She's so adorable, sweet and grateful! And her new best friend is our deformed mini cat named Quasimodo, they cuddle and play constantly awwhhh. I swear my familys #1 bills are vet bills haha, seriously.

Hey, I want to hang out with you... Let's do something spontaneous and new for us both! I'm easily entertained. If you can get past my initial awkwardness I promise I'm nice and loyal. :3

Errmmm time to step away from the internet. I STILL need a journal. Obviously.

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