Well I surely did sleep terribly, and have been full awake since five-thirty. I suppose it's rather a relief, therefore, that I have a thing to do today!
You see, today is the beginning of the Olympic Torch relay, and it is passing right through my poxy little town. I guess that's the privilege of living at the arse end of the country - if something has to go from very south to very north, IT HAS TO GO THROUGH YOU >:( No choice, suckers.
So yes, I will shortly be leaving to go and see the torch pass through. I have no real feelings toward sport, but I have quite a decent place in my heart for sportsmanship and then overall notion of people being united by a common pride or sense of interest. The brighter side of the spirit of competition, I suppose. I have even more fondness for the notion of limited opportunities - I might very well never have another chance to do this, and although a grumpy part of me is still insisting that 'come on, though, you don't care about the Olympics, don't pretend like it', fact of the matter is I'm not very willing to let the experience go! Standing in the cold street with a crowd of strangers at Early O'Clock is a grand adventure, okay.
shinsengumi also wants me to go on her behalf, and I ~can't say no to her~ so there is that element as well. |:
Tired as I am, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the rest of this day off. It somehow doesn't feel like a Saturday (again, probably because I'm up at a decent time on a day where I don't have to be). I could carry on with Final Fantasy VIII today, where I am currently en route to Trabia Garden. I could make a post about Final Fantasy VIII - multiple playthroughs and many years of familiarity and I feel like I'm only now finally coming to recognise how truly bonkers that game really is. I could do a post with my Games of Thrones thoughts, because I definitely need to talk about feelings inaccessible to viewers and readers alike! YEAHHHH.
Who darn well knows. I could probably finish Tales of the Abyss, I am right there and all. So many fascinating options! For now, though, I am out of here. I have commemorated this day with a poxy little update, THAT IS THE IMPORTANT THING.
edit; I saw the torch! The uhhhh sponsors passed through some fifteen minutes before the torch itself arrived, which created a general atmosphere of bleary confusion not at all helped by the fact that one of the staff buses had a guy standing at the front holding an unlit torch. 'Was that it? Surely not. Someone has to be running with it, right? But that was definitely a golden Olympic torch...'
But finally the actual torch came by, and it was quite splendid. I wore my Canadian Winter Olympics hat (in the spirit of the event and in the spirit of
shinsengumi's presence), and one of the team cyclists called out praise of it so I GUESS THAT WAS THE RIGHT DECISION.
I then met up with my dad, and walked back through the park, whereupon I witnessed dozens of squirrels. It was exceedingly pleasant! Just so you all know, squirrels are ace.
Now, though, I am at least temporarily home. My father has offered to take me to the supermarket with him today, which would allow for obtaining some groceries, but do I really want to have left the house on three separate occasions? Oh, the horror of it all...
This entry was originally posted @
aestivalis, with