Things I need to do today!
◆ Roast Dinner! (roast pork, potatoes, carrots, what else... really don't feel like fighting with a turnip today, broccoli and peas would be the easiest but that's so lazy. We'll see what is at the grocery. My brother would like me to include parsnip, I bet...)
◆ Open a second bank account, cancel a few direct debits.
◆ Send a parcel! ~mysterious~
◆ Try and get my watch working again. (It just needs new batteries, but the strap is far too complicated for me to do it myself. All leather and stitching and ahhh I hope something can be done I like this watch.)
◆ Laundry TOMORROW should really have done it today but I suck
edit; SUCCESS ON ALL FRONTS yesssss (laundry excluded o-k)
Things I would like to do today!
❖ Set up VDex journal more thoroughly. (Except I have no interest in/talent for making a pretty forum thread, so I'm not entirely sure what I even mean by this. I can at least make the first post proper, though...)
❖ Dedicate some thought to the carnival.
❖ Play some more Final Fantasy VII! (It is Temple of the Ancients time, I am perilously close to the end of the first disk now. And still no closer to settling on which characters to take to the end game. That awkward moment where you're friendly impartial to everyone....)
❖ Read some more Catching Fire. (That's fine, this'll happen while boiling vegetables etc..)
So I should probably go and do some things instead of sitting here, haha. But discussing things what need doing is so much easier than doing things what need doing......
/does things what need doing
This entry was originally posted @
aestivalis, with