Feb 12, 2007 14:15
I just suffered through 80 minutes of headfuck sold as a high school lecture held by an overweight sweating nitwit with bottle-bottom glasses, half unbuttoned shirt and a textbook case of a Tourette-syndrome (I shit you negative), performing something that ends up as a PowerPoint showoff ridden by semantic and syntactic errors (partly "corrected" on the fly - in fact just introducing new mistakes and most of all, HUGE inconsistencies), pronouncing "string" as "schtring" and trying to prove us that considering the optimization for Assembly instructions is very important - IN MANAGED FUCKING CODE.
Yes, managed code, the latest jackoff of higher education; finally a programming concept that can lift the shoulder of teaching things like proper deallocation and range checking to dumbass students who never EVER wanted to code in the first place, just so they can land a job in coding broken accounting software in C# that eventually ends up being rewritten by someone who has a fucking clue, but for half the price. (Because for some reason, face value and skill are inversely proportional - people who know their shit never get paid enough.)
Oh and to add insult to an injury, the lecture is mandatory, no skipping allowed even for people who have learned this, because this is a cross-semester class, held for people who got fucked over on exams last year because they possibly introduced a loop solved backwards or used a different iteration of a possible algorithm and hence didn't fit the holy standards.
Why does every university teacher feel the need to push his own little insignificant (because, no doubt, it is insignificant, since it is mere theory about magic squares and the likes) course to a level of submission where people HAVE to sit there with the biggest collection of pure and dire BORE on their faces, waiting it to end when they can finally go outside and tell each other what a crock of shit this lecture was and how unnecessary it felt since they could just learn the same anyway by downloading the PDF and weeding it through themselves... Which would easily teach them the skillset applicable at the rest of their lives, but of course, would never be enough to pass an exam because a teacher doesn't want to hear the answer, he wants to hear what HE SAID.
Yes, what he said, verbatim and unaltered, EXCEPT when it's full of pathetic mistakes, because you don't just have to learn it, you have to also correct and proofread it, because as it seems, noone else seems to give a fluttering fuck about it. Or do they? Maybe they do, but they just... can't?