Jun 23, 2004 13:11
Days like these should be banned from existence. I have no respectable reason of why this should be, but I support the idea anyways. I'm tired and have no interest in my work. If someone could please just hit the 'fast forward' button on this day, it would be greatly appreciated.
Anna's brother is coming to visit this Saturday. He'll be here all week, and 2 days after he heads back home, his ex-girlfriend is coming to visit. Purely coincidental, but Charity is coming up for some event and wants to visit a bit. Whereas Doug is taking a little break from Med school, though he's taking his board exam soon. How wierd it is... Doug, a doctor. Doug,M.D. hehe Hey Doug, I've got this terrible pain.. how about some percocet? Oxycontin would work too.
Should Charity's visit fall through, we may end up camping on the 4th of July weekend. I'm always down for some rustic outdoor fun. Running water is always a plus, though we did fine without it last time. (Note to self: Bring extra deodorant this time)
Back to the grind stone.