Mar 01, 2006 22:31
let's see....haha...
i'm doing an internship in selma. *puke* the only thing to look at on the way there are cows. cows. cows everywhere. there's these one set of cows that once a week when we ride by are all facing the same direction. like a hundred of them in one group. and there are these two horses that are in a fenced in front yard and they just...stand there all day. *sighs* don't ever go to the hospital in selma. you are surely going to die if you do. one of the doctors didn't know what Lipimec meant. all the pregnancy tests that are positive are for people younger than I am. except for one woman who was 37 who also had a drug test that day who tested positive for coke. and one of the medtechs went around all day calling her crackbaby mama. and then of course the lab director...her breath smells like she licks dog ass all day. i mean, from a distance. up close it's unbearable. ahhh dictation.
apparently the murder rate is higher selma than it is in montgomery. and um...that is why i am considering the purchase of a tazer or is it taser? gun. i hear they're fun. seen the videos. look very entertaining. quite the deterent.
any kitty updates? jasper: jasper is a sexy beast. he really enjoys his mouse play time. growl growl. mmmrrrr
eowyn: complete and utter whore. complete. and utter. whore. even john thinks she's a nasty bitch. she will be declawed at the earliest date possible.
mr. cat: the light of my life has overcome his licking problem. but has also gained pancreatic issues. yeah...
uuummmm *looks around* i really want a video game called Chi-b Robo (?). it's a little pricey. i'm going to have to wait for it to go down. it's 50$. mmmmm
typed by jessica