Sep 24, 2004 15:08
Nevada sucks. i want to come home NOW. it's friday. i got paid. i could do it if i wanted to.... but no... that would be insensible. goddammit i want to come home so bad. i miss traffic. i miss overpopulation. i miss people with all of their teeth. i miss friends. i miss people i don't even care about so much. i just miss home.
i almost met my demise today. i was doing something for my grampa with a 5 gallon bucket and i went over by the chicken coop and forgot to check before picking up a bucket from the bottom end. when i moved it i thought to myself "ah, shit. what is that thing? it's kinda small.... dark body... big yellow tail... pincers... SCORPION AHHH SHIT!!!" it was one of the little ones that fuck you up really bad. unlike the big ones. i saw it on the discovery channel, little ones can kill you. anywho, the spot that i so absent-mindedly grabbed the bucket at was a mere few inches from where the little critter was residing at that point in time. i kinda took a step back and stared at it; i've never seen one of these things before. THEN THE LITTLE FUCKER CHARGED AT ME. WHAT THE FUCK. i was like "BITCH IM 1000 TIMES YOUR SIZE!!! WTF ARE YOU THINKIN!?!?" then i screamed like a little girl and said "fuck this!" and ran to get a shovel. punk ass bitch ass mark ass little scorpion bastard.
also, i was doing some cleanup around my grampa's pumphouse (everyone out here has to have their own well. fucking desert) and everytime i moved something it seemed to arouse all forms of life. i saw a mouse of some sort peace the fuck out when i lifted a board. like 10 different kinds of lizards were running everywhere. after completing my task i told my grampa about how wierd it was to see so many little animals like that. he told me about the rattlesnake they had to kill in there last week. A FUCKING RATTLESNAKE. i don't belong in the fucking desert!!! im accident prone, i don't currently have insurance, and this place is fucking rife with venomous creatures.
im coming home a week from today. hopefully for good, or im so gonna shoot myself in the face. if anyone knows any places that are hiring in tha citaaaaaay, please let me know. it'll make a world of difference to me, and you'll be like jesus.
peace out homies. i miss you ALL.