Proof # 16734020: Right-wing Humor is an Oxymoron. (Warning: Long rant ahead)

Nov 10, 2012 15:18

I just listened to “Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me” on NPR this morning. One of their guest comedians was right-wing “humor” writer PJ O’Rourke, who was Not Happy that Obama won re-election. He did okay with the regular jokes along with the other panellists - Martha Stewart jokes, jokes about people acting dumb, etc.

But at the show’s final zing “What can Barack Obama do now that he doesn’t have to run for re-election?” O’Rourke once again showed the ugly, mean, dishonest, STUPID nature of right-wing “humor.”

His zinger? “Obama will finally read an Econ 101 textbook and apologize to Paul Ryan.”

He was soundly (and rightfully) booed by the audience.

Here’s why:

I’ve seen right-wing political cartoons and their version of funny bumper stickers on Cafepress. Right-wing “humor” all seems to fall into two categories: a) Parroting of right-wing talking point lies by sources like Fox News & hate radio; and b) Jokes about the powerful attacking the powerless.

PJ’s joke is based on a right-wing lie (the [shh, black] Democratic President whose economic policies are pulling us out of the mess Republicans got us into doesn’t know basic economics, and a [white] pathological liar whose economic plan is based on a proven failed doctrine knows better - because he just DOES, that’s why). That’s why the “joke” doesn’t work, because actual humor is based on telling the TRUTH - a painful truth, sometimes, that can only be told in a joking manner.

"Finally” read a basic textbook, huh PJ? Sure you’re not talking about GW Bush, who coasted through Yale as a C-student on his daddy’s money, and not the first black president of the Harvard Law Review? And apologize to a man whose response to independent economic advisors discrediting supply-side economics is to double down on supply side economics in his budget plan?

The right wing would joke about Einstein’s stupidity if Fox and/or Rush declared the theory of relativity to be liberal propaganda. Because the Right Wing is Never Wrong. Conservatism Cannot Fail It Can Only Be Failed. Even their economics is authoritarian, never to be questioned even when it’s patently proven false. And Authoritarianism and Humor are opposites - real humor defies authority, laughs at pomposity, yanks power’s pants down in front of everybody. But if you’re not even allowed to speak truth to power in a joke, what results is not funny.

A funnier version of the joke is based on truth: “Barack Obama will send Paul Ryan a copy of Economics 101 - and to make sure he finally reads it, will scribble ‘Ayn Rand’ over the author’s name.”

republicans are evil, politics

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