Nov 06, 2012 21:07

I literally said "God be praised," when my sister called an hour ago to tell me the news.

I've been so nervous and keyed up about the narrow margins of the polling that I've stayed away from news, Internet and TV stuff all day.

The party that treats women like fellow human beings instead of as dumb little broodmares has the White House for another four years.

And oh yeah - in your fucking FACE, Citizens United! Mitt Romney was the SuperPACs' goddamn Edsel - it doesn't matter how many millions you pour into hyping your product if no one wants to buy that piece of crap. And we proved that a bunch of grassroots donations did the job that a few billionaires' unlimited purses could not.

NOW we can start riding Obama's ass about the drones, punishing whistleblowers, not closing Guantanamo...

women's issues, politics

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