Things Catholic Radio Has Taught Me (Notes from an Exile)

Feb 04, 2012 16:17

Just checking in on all the stuff I've missed out on ever since I escaped a few decades ago.

It's amazing what you can learn from just a few minutes of listening. This is stuff I never would have realized if I'd only gone by what I observed and knew from experience.

Things Catholic Radio Has Taught Me:

1) Planned Parenthood is a billion-dollar baby-killing industry and abortion is its number-one money maker. All the women who use PP are really traumatized dupes suckered in by the false promises of feminism who now Need Our Love and Reconciliation.

2) People who use contraceptives don't truly, fully love or trust their spouses.

3) "Contracept" is a verb, and this brand-new word can be spit out with an amazing amount of contempt when a man talks about women making choices.

4) Men are the best people to discuss women's problems. (Here I'm going by the number of male Catholic-radio hosts who feel completely free to expound on women's roles in the Church; the few women I've heard have not said word one about men's roles.)

5) Uncovering decades of clerical rape of women and children really means "the media's obsession with making the Church look bad."

6) Masturbation physically harms women and destroys their marriages. (My thought was "What - are they using live sharks?")

7) The Holy Roman Catholic Church is the Only Group It's Politically Correct to Abuse These Days - and all the people who discuss church findings without kissing the Pope's ass are oppressors attacking the modern martyrs for the faith. (The Tea Party learned everything about bullying - and then whining about being picked on by their victims - from the RCC.)

8) Overpopulation is a myth started by the abortion/contraception-industrial complex to scare women into not having the babies all women should want to have.

9) It's not a sin to be gay or lesbian, as long as you never have sex your whole life.

10) People who are still complicit in covering up decades of clerical rape and abuse can still say with a straight face that they are the Only True Arbiters of Sexual Morality in the world.


One thing I noticed, clean across the board, with all the radio people on the Catholic station: They all have the same stammering, gagging way of getting their words out ("A-a..a-I can't even (gag) can't - understand how a-a-a...(gag) woman could think of harming herself and her husband and her marriage by wanting to prevent (gag) G-god's gift of children"). It's as if even they can't believe the amount of bullshit they spill into the air. (The women are even more pathetic-sounding, with their inoffensive soft quavery voices just waiting to back down and apologize to men for taking up too much of their valuable air-time and their rightful public domain.)

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