Just cross out "George Sodini" and put in "Eliot Rodger." It's the same old song.

May 26, 2014 20:40

Once again the whine of male entitlement revs up into murderous rage at such unforgiveable female sins as turning down a request for a dance, not agreeing to go to the prom, or just going to school while female.

Here's the blog entry I wrote August 9, 2009 in response to George Sodini's misogynistic mass-murdering rampage (with the MRA and PUA communities on line cheering the results).

George Sodini is the man who shot up a woman's fitness center, killed and wounded women, because they committed the crime of not dating a Nice Guy like him.

Worst part? Are all the dickbags on the Internet defending what he did. Or sympathizing with his desire to kill women. (The same guys who reflexively tell women they're "over-reacting" if they express fear at this attitude?)

Of course men are trying to diminish what happened, dismiss it as A Single Random Crazy Killing Generic People. Too many don't want to address the massive hatred of women built into the culture that told George he was owed pussy, and to kill what he couldn't have.

I say there is a direct link to this guy.

There's a link with every dork-ass unwashed loser prick at Comic-Con who slobbers over booth bunnies and has to be chased off because he can't hear the word "No" coming from a woman. (And who will bawwwww on his blog that night about the Mean Hot Bitches who won't let him score as he deserves.)

With every privileged white boy in the Internet who reacts to women's anger at a sexual assault at a convention with "LOL you anti-sex ladies need to calm down you girls overreact to everything I swear, you don't see ME getting upset cause a totally hot girl's checking ME out."

With every anchorman who talks about a "killer" shooting up a place and killing "people" -- and neglects to mention that, once again, it's a WHITE MAN shooting and killing a lot of WOMEN. But if the killer was black, or a woman killing men, by GOD you'd hear all about the social implications of Those People killing good (white, male) folks.

With every guy who whines that Nice Guys like HIM can't get laid cause he's a little pudgy, plain, or geeky, and women only want to date big handsome abusive brutes -- but if you ask them for the qualifications for a Nice Girl, he STARTS (and finishes) with her face, weight and measurements.

With every fugly Jabba clone who writes yet another "romantic comedy" film about the uptight prissy (secretly lonely) hot woman who quits her high-paid job to become Mrs. Fugly-Jabba-Clone and spew out Fuglets.

With every college professor who reacts to his female students' anger at being assigned yet more misogynist literature to parse out in the approved White Male parameters...with the logical conclusion that Women Just Don't Understand Great Literature. (I had this guy in the 80s -- he reached this conclusion because women students didn't laugh at the wife-beating short story, which he insisted was funny.)

With every guy who whines that rape laws are too tough and punishes nice innocent guys for trying to make ugly girls feel special, Rush said so.

With every guy who poo-poohs the notion that rape is a terrorist act against women by men. It's just a single, isolated incident by one single, crazy guy (every 50 seconds). There's absolutely no pattern to it, no social or political weight behind it -- and wow, you're paranoid and making a big fuss over nothing.

With every man who hears about a woman raped and murdered for the crime of walking on a "safe" public park path in the middle of the day by some random guy who's bored for 5 minutes and says "Wow, what do women do to provoke these guys?"

With every man who reacts to adult women's anger over this shit (as I heard one man do in the wake of the Quebec murders) by saying "Let's all try to calm down, shall we?" as if we're naughty children having a tantrum over cookies and he's the grownup because he has the dick.

...And, with every man who Doesn't Understaaand why, for this and for too many reasons to count...there are reasons that some women in this world reflexively hate and fear men.

pissy feminist

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