Time to repay the support, white folks.

Jun 26, 2013 22:09

Now that DOMA is overturned and Prop 8 is dead?

Now it’s time for white LGBTQ people to repay the support given by the African-American community, the Hispanic community, and other POC - and work to reinstate all of the Voting Rights Act, or start registering people and getting them the IDs they’ll need to get over the new Jim Crow laws the Confederate states have already gleefully begun re-instating (within hours of yesterday’s gutting of the VRA - but oh yeah, we TOTALLY don’t need those protections any more, according to the white males on the SCOTUS who’ve never had to wait for 10 seconds in a friggin’ bathroom line let alone an 8-hour line in blistering Florida heat to vote).

White gays are the first to link their cause to the Civil Rights movement - and .5 seconds after Prop 8 passed they were blaming black voters for its passage (yeah, all 6.5% of California’s population that they are and all - as opposed to the millions funneled into CA by whiter-than-white Mormons and Catholics, and the white majority that carried the proposition).

Yes, take the victory lap - but head for a poor neighborhood and start registering people for 2014. There are still bridges to cross, and they look a lot like the Edmund Pettis one.

religious vomit, republicans are evil, racism, marriage equality, white privilege

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