These past two days have been quite eventful. Worked for 10.5 hours yesterday then went to a bon dance with Ben, Brian, Jon, Kimi, Ben’s roommate and all of Waiakea’s Asian population. I don’t like bon dances. It’s so weird. Asians are weird.
But I saw Mrs. Wallace among three other teachers I’ve had and she told me to stop by and bring my camera, which was sadly my motive to talk to her.
Then today I went fishing with Kai and the dad. We caught a whole lotta fish. Good times.
Then I went to the picnic.
Then I went swimming with Kalia and Kalia’s mother.
Then I went to Lady of the Water. Freaky movie. Both Ben K. and I concluded that we can’t say that it was good but we’d recommend it to everyone on the weird factor alone.
Picture: Same roll, OK Go at Seattle U. Quadstock. They were pretty good, though ShaTanya headlined that night.