Things which I find interesting

Feb 02, 2010 23:45

...which likely no one else does.

So. Covers of songs. Often I couldn't give a shit, or am vaguely offended by said cover. Except that there are, every once in a while, absolutely stellar exceptions to this. For instance, if I had heard the original of Video Nasty (by The Damned) I would never listened to it again. The composition was uninspired punkpop, and the tune not remotely engaging. BUT. Butbutbut! The first time I heard the song was the cover by Lisa Loeb. WHICH IS AMAZING. Hands down fantastic. I find this whole thing fascinating. If I had heard the original artist version first, I would have never bothered to pay attention to the lyrics, and never listened to the song again. So essentially, some other artist unofficially re-making/mixing the original made it more worthwhile. hm.

I'm sure there are other examples. Not including Broadway or show tunes, since so many old standards are often made more interesting/awesome depending on the actor/singer who records them. I'm talking more about covers that turn one song into something completely different and unexpected. Know any? :)

Oh, and apartment hunts are time consuming, and my job is getting more awesome.
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