Jan 26, 2007 11:10
You would think with as many of the same senarios I have gone through, I would learn from them and quit putting myself in them. And that I would quit doing the same things once that senario has played out. when you go through shit, it is suppose to make you stronger. i feel weakened. I don't smoke anymore, yet my head still feels clouded. I was driving to school this morning and the sky looked so oddly fake. Like a computer generated sequence on a movie. Things use to look like that when I was so stoned out of my mind. I found it quite odd. Lately I have been in class, trying my damnedest to concentrate and I totally space out like I am high. My bro told me that when he was in boot camp for the marines, his back popped a certain way and he tripped a lil like from his acid trip years and years ago. I don't think that could be possible for pot. It is not that potent. At least not the shit I was smoking, unfortuneately. i just can't think of a reason why it is like that. Maybe I'm just stressing myself out again. I tend to do that also.
Well, toodle-loo. I'm gonna go to the clinic to see if it is normal to feel 'high'.
Love, your favorite redhead