Oct 12, 2004 21:56
Besides applications, it is our job this year to do everything either half-ass or not at all. Let's embrace that, shall we? It's high time we stop worrying about the stupid stuff that we know doesn't matter. It just isn't worth it! Take me, for example. It is 9:46 pm and I have just polished off a nice bowl of fruit loops. I have yet to do my math and chem work for the evening, but do I fret? No! Why? Because half-ass will do just fine! In fact, I'm practically doing EXTRA work because seniors shouldn't be doing any homework at all. So this is my public service announcement to stop what i have dubbed "senior fretation." Get a C on an essay? Screw it! Forget to do your math homework and it gets checked that day? Whoopsie Daisy! Just...whatever! If you find yourself stressing over school work, just remind yourself that it's senior year and every other person in your grade has also lowered their standards!