I read somewhere that a woman thought that gas resting behind and below her heart was causing "heart palpitations."
Yesterday, being off of Glucosamine for three days, I had one set of palpitations. It came right after eating for the first time in the day, which was seven hours after I got up. My choice of food was not the best, but not horrible either. I ate a few handfuls of peanuts and a can of pineapple.
Margaux wanted to watch television with me on the couch. So, I was kind of leaning to the left, bent over/hunched over kinda sorta to the left, leaning on the arm of the couch, with my legs up on the couch. After a little while I felt the palpitations, so I took deep even breaths. Then something very interesting happened. Each time I breathed in, I could tell that there was something moving in my intestines, up and down in one spot, almost directly behind under my heart. It felt like palpitations, except I was controlling it.
I spoke with Shahram about it and we both agreed that since Glucosamine takes time to build up in the body, any excess will be stored in fat, just like anything else in the body in excess will be stored there. Since I exercised very hard right before eating, I'm sure I released some of it and it may have interrupted my digestion. Then again, just eating could have caused the whole thing. My doctor was really pointing at GERD at my appointment, so maybe I do have it pretty seriously.
Today, I ate a can of black beans and rice, and two pieces of high fiber toast (dry). I noticed that I never have palpitations standing up. Margaux asked me to sit with her at the table while I ate and she read from her book of Greek Gods & Goddesses. As soon as I sat down, maintaining hyper awareness, I could sense the same kind of feelings, the rumblings and movement of gas that was neither advancing nor coming up. I find this all very amazing.
I'm continuing to watch it and be aware. Shahram suggested walking after I eat anything. It's a great idea. In the Hilton Head diet, you were supposed to walk for 20 minutes after every meal.
I think I'm healthier than I ever suspected.
Today's exercise was 10 minutes on the treadmill... very sweaty, very rough. 15 minutes on the recumbent bike. Margaux and I are going shopping this afternoon. That should be good for a longer & slower burning.... thus fat and not just carbohydrates.