Jul 25, 2018 11:00
Green is the predominant colour, with accents of White, Red, Purple and Rust. The Morning Glories are still Blooming, as are the various subtropical Salvias. My Brugmansia versicolor(Angel's Trumpet) and Night Blooming Jessamine are sporadic but very noticeable when I go for my AM walk....they're Night bloomers and VERY Fragrant;>!
The Hummingbirds and Butterflies love the Pentas' and Salvias. Oddly enough, not so much the Butterfly Bush! Next Spring will be very pretty with the Wild Violets reaching almost Invasive proportions in both courtyards. My Habranthus Rainlilies are doing nicely with generally 4-5days post thunderstorm producing flushes of Pink(and one White-flowered species)trumpets....like Sherry-glass sized Amaryllis'. I have a feeling I'll be getting more of them and their Zephranthes relations in the future(though half aren't doing well, unlike the H's).
The cats are entertained most nights by the Tree Frogs that congregate in the Persimmon outside the Living Room window. Hopefully, it's replacement next yr(3 yrs of total fruit drop and this yr a single fruit remains at present) with be as accommodating to them....