Saving/Storing Spaghetti Squash Seeds

Oct 05, 2014 11:47

Happy Sunday to all! This was an organically grown squash we had for many months but didn't open, so I think the seeds are mature. I have "The New Seed-Starters Handbook" by Nancy Bubel. Copyright 1988. There is conflicting information about squash seeds. One place says since the seeds come from a moist environment, they should be stored in moist spaghnum moss in an airtight glass jar in the refrigerator. Another place says the squash seeds should be separated from the fibers (check), put in water to check for viability (they all floated on top, but I'm still going to save and plant some next year), then air-dried for two weeks on a screen or newspaper pads. I put them  on newspaper pads to dry yesterday. Here is where I get confused. Shall I continue to let them dry and store them in an airtight glass jar in a cool dry place? Or shall I keep them moist in moss in the refrigerator? Hey, I just thought..............I can do some seed each way, & see what works! I understand about lowering the metabolism of the seeds by keeping them cool. I would appreciate input from the experts in this community. Thanks for your time!  

vegetable: squash, seeds, propagation: seed saving

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