Someone asked me if there was a chance that my Lycoris incarnata was a SPORT.
Sorry, but it isn't.
Two reasons:
1) I have another bulb of it in a nearby clump which has blooms exactly like the ones on this plant and
2) If you google "Lycoris incarnata", lots of pictures come up of plants with flowers just like mine.
So what is a SPORT?
A Sport is a chance genetic mutation that happens in a plant. Nurserymen and women are always on the alert for plant sports because they can be very valuable. (Rest assured that if ol' Rhodie ever spots one, she'll grab it!)
One well known rose, the Peace Rose, is well known for producing the occasional sport. Many of those sports have become named roses which are well known and loved as well. ('Dame de Coeur' and 'Chicago Peace" are said to be two of the Peace Rose's sports.)
The Ice Follies daffodil is another sport producing plant. I think there are currently two of its sports available commercially.
If anyone wants to know more about plant sports or Peace rose sports, here are some websites with some good information:'s a quote from this website:
"‘Peace’ has produced 7 sports including climbing ‘Peace’ and ‘Chicago Peace,’ and is parent to 157 other cultivars."
------------------------------------------------ Hopefully some one around here will find this information helpful.