Apr 22, 2014 08:54
I live in a little house in Seattle, WA, owned by a landlord who is a passionate flower gardener and has the house surrounded by pretty perennials. Last fall a cedar tree put its roots through the sewer pipes, and in the process of fixing them, the plumber dug up and killed almost everything growing in the backyard. The landlord wants to replant this month and is asking what we'd like to see. Everyone agrees on plants native to the area.
Thing is, the space is VERY shady. The same cedar tree that knocked out the plumbing, combined with some smaller trees, puts the yard in dappled shade for most of the day. Before everything was dug up, there were some plants I think of as shade tolerant, like a camellia bush, that were struggling with the low light. Hellebore, ferns, and bluebells thrive in the backyard, and there was barely any grass growing there before.
I'm mostly a vegetable gardener and am not sure what to recommend. We definitely need a very shade-tolerant ground cover, some flowering perennials, and some shrubs or slow-growing vines. I'm capable of googling things but want recommendations from people. What have you grown in a space like this that you would recommend?
light: full shade,
zone: usda 7