Garden check

Jun 20, 2013 18:41

Went out and inspected the garden this afternoon, after several days of not doing so -- bad RA flare and just plain too tired.

Tomatoes and peppers doing very well -- I have little baby tomatoes and peppers! Beans are doing great, lots of flowers and tiny little baby beans. The only issue with the tomatoes is that the lawn care people who take care of the apartments behind us went crazy with some RoundUp a couple weeks ago, using it on a windy day like total Brainiacs, and it blew over onto my tomatoes. I like to had heart failure over that -- all the new growth on the tomatoes was pale green, almost white, in the center.

I was hoping it was a micronutrient problem, but Googling it gave me an exact image, and sure enough, it was RoundUp damage. I was so depressed over that I didn't even bother with the garden for several days. Then the RA flare, and the fatigue got me, so it's probably been a week since I looked. But none of them died, and all of them have put out new growth and grown about a foot.

The only thing that has me worried is that the damaged leaves didn't grow, so the baby tomatoes aren't shielded from the direct sun, and won't be until some new canopy grows. Would it be utterly ridiculous for me to put little squares of fabric over the trusses of tomatoes? It'll look kind of weird, but sun-scalded tomatoes are no good for anyone...

Luckily the peppers didn't get any, and apparently it missed the beans altogether. Beans are pretty tough, though. And my carrots are tall and looking really good! I need to thin them, though... pulled one just for fun, and it looked like a carrot, just really really thin and tiny. I had dug this bed about 2 feet deep, so they'd have plenty of room to grow. I'll be interested to see how they turn out.

I also have a hanging basket of catnip on the fence out there, and the cats are enjoying the occasional fresh leaf. We've got about 20 plants or more in the basket (it's a big basket), so I'm hoping I can dry some this fall.

Corn is doing well, haven't put in my third corn yet but I'll try to get that in by Sunday. Cultivated between the rows on the first corn, and I'll hill that tomorrow and cultivate/thin the second corn. I'll also spread fertilizer on everything, and probably spray a lime/iron mix on the tomatoes and peppers tomorrow.

No aphids yet, knock on wood. I sprayed a week or so ago, had some scale on a couple of tomatoes and a pepper or two, but that seems to have cleared up.

Hopefully when it's time to put stuff up I'll feel good at the same time.

herbicide, vegetable: pepper, zone: usda 7, vegetable: bean, vegetable: carrot, vegetable: tomato, vegetable: corn

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