May 10, 2013 23:30
I planted my Rainbow Mix carrots today, and set out the tomato plants. Turns out I have 2 SuperSauce plants and 2 Roma plants that survived, along with 12 Viva Italia from Burpee, so we'll see what happens.
All the tomatoes look great, except 1 SuperSauce looks small so I'm going to grow it on in the pot for a while before I set it out.
I planted them 3 feet apart (stem to stem) and set the rows 3 feet apart, because in the past I've usually set the rows too close and then it was hard to walk between the rows when the plants bushed out. I've also got temporary posts in where the T-posts for the trellising system will go -- no hurry on putting those in until the plants are about 2 ft tall. Need to get more wire and drill some holes in the T-posts anyway.
I'm going to put the peppers out tomorrow -- I have enough space left in the tomato plot to put in 3 rows 2 feet apart, with 6 plants in each row. Since I have 16 plants, that will work out just right. I may plant my bush beans tomorrow, too -- that's easy, just run the little Earthway seeder along.
I was planning on two rows of carrots, but the seeds weren't pelletized, so it was nigh on impossible to only plant 6 per foot. So I ended up with just one row of carrots in the bit I tilled deep -- it's about 8" deep there. Covered them with 1/2" of potting soil and gently watered. I've never grown carrots before, so this will be interesting.
I've pinched the blooms off my new strawberry plants so that they grow this year instead of setting fruit.
My snow peas are blooming like crazy, but no tiny baby peas yet. Corn hasn't germinated yet, but checking my records it takes about 9 to 15 days for early corn to germinate.
I've planned to harvest the bush beans by the pull and pick method -- you pull up the whole plant and pick it clean. Then I'll put in watermelons in that patch, and plant the early corn patch with bush beans that I'll keep picked until I have enough beans put up to last us a year. We ran out of frozen corn from last year, and have discovered we just can't stand commercial canned corn. I know it would be the same with commercial canned green beans.
So that was my week. How was yours?
vegetable: pepper,
zone: usda 7,
vegetable: bean,
vegetable: pea,
vegetable: carrot,
vegetable: tomato,
vegetable: corn