Nice fresh topsoil

Apr 16, 2013 16:29

Went to Home Depot today and got 10 bags of cheap topsoil ($1.29 per bag for a 40 lb/1 cu. ft. bag) to put on the bare clay part of the upper plot I've discussed before. I was going to screen it before I spread it, because I've gotten other "topsoil" that was full of sticks and rocks, but after screening two bags, the only thing I found were these big clumps that weren't breaking down as I raked the stuff over the screen.

I picked up several and found out they were decomposing horse manure balls! So cool, no need to screen the rest of the bags.

I laid them out on the ground, then went around and split them all open, then dumped them out and raked out the topsoil. There was enough to cover that area about 1 1/2" deep. I'm going to let the sun work on it today, then till it in tomorrow (unless it rains tonight). The horse manure balls will break down nicely when tilled, and that part of the plot will be delicious for plants.

Also got some nitrogen fertilizer for the corn plots -- I'll probably spread that tomorrow. And mow the grass. If I could turn all the lawn areas into garden, I'd love to, but alas, I can't. So I still have to mow.

Tomato and pepper starts have recovered from being potted up and are now growing again. I lost just about all the Viva Italia starts, but most of the Super Sauce starts have done well, but I ordered some replacement Viva Italia plants from Burpee, so that's okay. I was going to order some from Totally Tomatoes, but then I found out they're owned by Monsanto, so...

vegetable: pepper, zone: usda 7, soil, vegetable: tomato, vegetable: corn

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