Some new nepenthes

May 19, 2012 08:42

I got these awesome nepenthes the other day. I've been so busy with other stuff I haven't had a chance to share.

So cute. This is how they came packaged. These are the ones I got in return for the commission.

All potted up.

Close up of one of the pitchers. They are called albomarginata because Albo means white and Marginata means margine. It refers to the white ring or margine under the peristome. What's interesting is that when I got these they were solid red. I think from lack of light. Once in the tank they started to get thier white rings.

This one is still solid red but got its white margine in a few hours of being in the tank.

My ever changing tank set up. It doesn't look like this anymore.

Cross posted from ljcps Livejournal Carnivorous Plant Society.

carnivorous plants

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