First question... My asparagus first have little black/white/red bugs on them, then tiny eggs, then larvae of increasing size. Gray worms. Other than squishing them between my fingers, I have found no way of getting rid of them, and no matter how many I squish, there are more. Can anyone recommend a way to get rid of them? Chemical or otherwise. I've tried spraying them directly, with Ortho Bug-B-Gone or whatever it's called, and it has no effect.
Second question... My amsonia is not looking very good this year. The ends of the branches shriveled before blooming, and the rest of the leaves don't look very good either. We had a late winter and a long, cool spring, here in Wisconsin.
I was going to ask who built these tiny clay pots, but I determined that it was a potter wasp.
Also, I have determined that the following is a polyphemus moth drying its wings.