May 13, 2011 20:01
Hi there! My name is Jill and I'm new to this community. I work for Bell Nursery USA and just recently got into gardening in my own time! I had my eye on some hibiscus plants we had in stock so I took two home with me. I'm knowledgeable of most gardening things and have been reading up on hibiscus care. I wanted to ask you guys for tips/advice/helpful hints on caring properly for hibiscus. I put them in pots so I can bring them in during the winter (I live in PA). I'm a total noob to pruning though! I'm not familiar with pruning and I know hibiscus need pruning to thrive and get more blooms in. For now, I mixed the potting soil with some sphagnum peat moss. I'm planning on getting a leaf compost later. I'm using a fertilizer as close to 20-5-20 as I can until I can order fertilizer made for hibiscus online.
Thanks in advance!
shrub: hibiscus