Well, my Zucchini and Squash plants that I germinated in the plastic bags are doing well. Well, the zucchini is, anyways. It's still kinda smallish, but the squash... it's leaves are about the size of my thumbnail. They've both been outside for about a month. Well, the question is, they are both flowering.
Should I just let the flower, or should I go ahead and clip the flowers off, so they can put more energy into getting bigger? I'm more concerned about the zucchini plant, since I think I'm going to go ahead and give in, and buy a more established squash plant.
Thanks in advance for any advice! Also, some pictures of the squash(es?) and some random pictures of my gardening adventures
^This is the little zucchini plant. The flower was completely open yesterday, but when I came out today it was closed.
^And the tiny squash plant. The flowers are as big as the leaves are...
These cute little buggers are my cherry tomatoes. I bought the plant about two weeks ago.
My bell pepper plant. Bought it about a month ago. Should I let that pepper grow, or should I go ahead and remove it and let the plant grow bigger?
My eggplant that I saved. I almost threw it away a few days ago, except it had one leaf that wasn't quite dead, so I soaked the pot it came in over night, and it perked up, so I planted it and she seems to be doing wonderful now!
These are my little potatoes. I planted yukon gold seed potatoes in a 5 gallon Lowe's bucket about 2-3 weeks ago. I have to cover these babies every day now, they're growing so fast! I can't wait until They get to the top so I can just let them grow!
My okra that I bought from wal-mart a few weeks ago. They barely had their first leaves when I got them, and now they're shooting right up. There are two of them in there; should I go ahead and pull the smaller one out, or just leave them be?
These little guys hang around the pond behind the house a lot. They like to come say hello when I'm watering my plants, and beg for food. They're just the cutest little things!
Also, for anyone interested in container gardening and recycling, if you have a Firehouse Subs near you, they sell their 5 gallon pickle buckets for $2 each, and all money from it gets donated!
Thanks again everyone! And Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there :o)