a little garden porn

Apr 30, 2011 15:46

Compost is spread, and annuals are planted. So I took some pictures, not that there's much to look at yet...

Behind the :

Front flower bed, which I share with my next door neighbor. She does her side (but not yet this spring [g]), and I do mine. The split is pretty much just to the right of the irises.

Back flower bed. All mine. Two clematises, one on either end. The blue flowers are anemones, the yellow ones are obviously daffodils [g]. Everything else is still just green sprouts, although the clematises have lots of tiny buds on them. Give them another two-three weeks...

One side of my patio, complete with grass-eating cat [sigh]. At least he threw up before he came in the house. The new seedlings in the pots are Sugar Daddy petunias (my favorite petunia variety), and lobelia, both freshly planted. The purple spikes in the flower bed are hostas, which will completely cover it by June.

The other side of the patio, featuring the bleeding heart that ate New York. And hellebores, and the past-their-prime pansies I just transplanted out of the big pots so as to make room for the petunias and lobelia. The scraggly plant in the small pot is my pineapple sage, which has only been outside about a week after being nursed along through fairly sunless Pacific NW winter.

And that's my garden at the beginning of the season.

BTW, if anyone in the U.S. wants poppy seeds, I have plenty. Mixed colors, mostly pink and purple. Send me a message through my LJ account, esp. if you have seeds to trade, but if you don't, don't let that stop you, either.

flower: daffodil, flower: bleeding-heart, annuals, bulbs, garden update, perennials, garden porn, flower: clematis

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