I had to cover up my plants last night for what I think will be the last cold-spell of the year (it's not quite cold enough to be called a frost) but before I did I took a few pictures.
My first tulip of the year and my first tulips ever. Notice the strawberry peaking out in the background.
The strawberry/bulb bed overall
Across the patio, my main garden. In the background, corn. Interplanted with the corn on the left is zucchini and on the right is cucumber. In leftmost front bed, the broccoli has gone to flower but I'm using the last plant to ease the yellow crookneck squash plants into their new, sunny home until they start growing up the trellis. Hidden among the ginormous mustard greens are two tomato plants. I'm curious how long the mustard greens will survive once the last of winter is truly gone. On the right is lettuce, and you can't see it really but there's a ditch where I'm starting potatoes.