Oct 18, 2010 10:17
Following on from the last post about the end of Summer - I live in the Southern hemisphere so we're in the middle of a lovely Spring and coming into Summer. This is my favourite time for gardening because now I can plant my favourite herbs and veggies and look forward to eating them later.
I'm fairly new to gardening, having only started a year ago, so this year I decided to try growing most of my herbs and veggies from seed.
I've got heirloom tomatoes (I can't remember what varieties now but I know some of them are cherry tomatoes), basil and nasturtiums. I also got some spaghetti squash seeds free with a gardening magazine I buy so I'm giving those a go. I've never seen, let alone eaten, a spaghetti squash so this will be interesting!
I have already put some of the larger tomato seedlings into my raised garden bed so today I planted some more seedlings, put the cherry tomato seedlings into large terracotta pots and hanging baskets and planted many, many basil seedlings. For some reason I didn't think all of the basil seeds would sprout so I just chucked the whole packet into three little pots and now I have LOTS of basil. Good thing I like to make pesto.
Later this week I'll find a spot for the spaghetti squash seedlings and also plant the nasturtiums. I'm hoping the nasturtiums will spread across a lot of our garden beds in the front of the house and will self seed for next year.
So, who else is heading into Summer an what are you doing in the garden now?
location: australia