Can you tell me the name of this bush?
Okay, your answers have shed some light on my dilemma. I know it as a Rose of Sharon. This one belongs to my neighbors. I have a hardy hibiscus, and the two are *nothing* alike, yet when I look up "Rose of Sharon", I find it called a hibiscus, and the pictures look like my hibiscus. So I'm, like, huh?
So the answers so far call it Rose of Sharon, hardy hibiscus, althea, etc. I do another Google, and find, "a confusing group of plants called Hibiscus, rose mallow, althea, rose of sharon, giant mallow..."
This one stays in bush form, but mine dies to the ground in the winter. The leaves look nothing alike. But now that I look at it, I can see similarities between this, and the standard hibiscus. The buds look very similar, and the petals have a similar texture.
So thank you all for helping to solve the mystery!