I have a salvia plant that I need help with, it got this little fuzzy white bug on it that I think is a wooly aphid, I took a picture of it on my Boston fern because it was easier to see on there ...
Looks like you have aphids and spider mites, as well as the other. The other might be mealy bug. The ants are farming the aphids; they eat the honeydew that the aphids excrete. Spider mites will kill the plant really quick; aphids and mealy bugs will, eventually, too. I'd recommend spraying, about every 3 days or so, for a couple weeks to get rid of them. Mealy bugs can be washed off with a q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol, but that many spider mites and aphids really require sterner measures.
Will the Safers kill both of those as well? Or am I doomed to spend my day tomorrow outside with Q-tips and rubbing alcohol? I just doused him in the Safers ....
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